Teaching & Learning Section
Workshops & Talks
Webinar: “A Hopeful Pedagogy: Shakespearean Case Studies.”
IFNTF Global Seminar Series, November 3, 2021. (39 mins)
In this session, we will lay out our principles for a hopeful pedagogy, offer two examples of how that hope can play out in a specific classroom, and suggest how these principles could be extended to the hopeful teaching of other disciplines
Webinar: “Naming, Claiming and Aiming Our Teaching Discomforts,”
STLHE Keep Teaching Webinar Series, June 24, 2020. (49 mins)
As we are scrambling to convert our courses to online, remote, and hybrid delivery in response to the pandemic, many of us are climbing a very steep learning curve that challenges our sense of competency and identity as teachers. In this webinar, we ask how we can “name, claim and aim” (Parker Palmer) our effective responses to this rapid and radical “retooling” of our teaching to learn about ourselves and our students in a time of crisis. How can we “step back” to reflect on our own responses and engage meta-cognitively with difficult learning in order to make our practice more intentional, compassionate, and empathetic?
Webinar: "The Messiness of the Pivot: Lessons Learned from Recent Transitions in Teaching"
STLHE Keep Teaching Webinar Series, May 6, 2020. (59 mins)
Join a panel of 3M National Teaching Fellows as they discuss the challenges and opportunities faced with the transition to remote teaching at the end of the Winter 2020 semester. From a variety of disciplines, panellists will share their experiences and lessons learned. Attendees are encouraged to join the conversation as we continue to teach within the COVID-19 pandemic.
Webinar: "Daring to Hope: International Perspectives on the Audacity of Hope in the time of COVID"
Maple League of Universities, Hosts Speaker Series, November 18, 2020. (58 mins)
Conversation with Dr. Claire Hamshire (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dr. Rachel Forsyth (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dr. Paul Taylor (University of Leeds), Dr. Heather Smith (University of Northern British Columbia) and Dr. Jessica Riddell (Bishop’s University).
Talk by Lisa Dickson: "Education: The Wonder Engine"
TEDxUNBC Talk, March 27, 2020. (18 mins)
How does jumping out of a plane answer the question: “What is Education?” Education is a Wonder Engine, a place of transformation that prepares us to meet our future selves.
Talk by Lisa Dickson: "Struggle: A Feature, Not a Bug"
UNBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, June 1, 2015 (2 mins)
Lisa Dickon answers the question "what has changed since I started" and discusses the impact of an increasing willingness to embrace struggle.
Talk by Shannon Murray: "The End of University: Engaging our Graduating Students"
University of Prince Edward Island, March 4, 2011. (57 mins)
Students approaching the end of their undergraduate degrees often feel as much trepidation as triumph; the transition to life after a degree is even more challenging than that from high school to university and so deserves the same intentional and university-wide attention as the first-year experience now receives here and elsewhere. In this talk, Dr. Murray suggests that attending to the senior-year experience can foster an approach to learning that will continue long after convocation: and that will help prevent post-parchment depression.
Interview with Jessica Riddell
BU Talks Podcast Series, April 20, 2018. (39 mins)
Welcome to BUtalks, the podcast series where we explore how we build our souls as well as our CVs at Bishop’s University. Today Emily Liatsis is interviewing Dr. Jessica Riddell, a professor in our English Department.
Interview: "An English major is not destined to be a barista"
CBC Radio, February 14, 2020. (31 mins)
InThe Sunday Edition, host Michael Enright interviews Lisa Dickson (University of Northern British Columbia), Jessica Riddell (Bishop;s University) and Nick Mount (University of Toronto), discussing the question, "Are literary studies going extinct?"
Talk by Jessica Riddell: "The Lessons of Wonder Woman in the Academy"
University of the Fraser Valley, May 4, 2018.
Jessica Riddell speaks on the lessons of Wonder Woman, who offers a model for our highest ideals of the academy and, by extension, our world.
Interview: "Professor Jessica Riddell wins national teaching award"
CBC Radio, 2015. (12 mins)
Jessica Riddell tells us how she uses hip hop music to expand notions of 14th-century sonnets, and why she has received the 3M National Teaching Fellowship.
Course Design Tools
Sketchnoting and Graphic Syllabus as Pedagogical Practice
by Lisa Dickson
Graphic Syllabus for IASK103 (Foundations of Learning)
by Lisa Dickson
Sample Reflection and Design Path for the COMPASSION Pillar
by Lisa Dickson for the Pedagogy Visioning Committee
Reflective Practice Tools
Sample Reflection Pathway for the "Name, Claim and Aim" Exercise
by Lisa Dickson, Jessica Riddell and Shannon Murray
The Teaching Dossier: how to take your pedagogical pulse
Elements of a Teaching Dossier: how to build one
Elements of an Excellent Teaching Dossier: how to make your teaching portfolio stand out
Teaching Dossiers Q&A with a 3M National Teaching Fellow
Maple League of Universities, February 13, 2020. (21 mins)
The Maple League's Executive Director Jessica Riddell sits down with 3M Teaching Fellow Lisa Dickson to discuss the value of building a teaching dossier.
3M National Teaching Fellowship and Other Awards
The Council for National Fellows for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education:
Information Session for 3M National Teaching Fellowship Nominators and Nominees (2018—pre-new criteria introduced in 2020):
An Introduction to the 3M National Teaching Fellowship
Maple League of Universities, February 18, 2020. (2 mins)
The Project Leader of the 3M National Teaching Fellowship Mentoring Network, Lisa Dickson, talks about mentorship for the nomination process.
Resources for Students
Student How-To: Writing, Research, Reading and Critical Thinking
"How to Write a Research Paper"
Bishop's University, March 26, 2013.
A three-part guide to research papers: What is a secondary source? How do you use literary theory? What kinds of primary texts are useful? All this and more in this seminar delivered by Dr. Jessica Riddell.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dr. Dickson’s Tip Sheets and How-To Tutorials
Includes notes on reading strategies, glossaries, sample outlines, sample discussion questions, and more
Dr. Dickson’s Resources for Student Learning Padlet
Padlets are handy places where I collect useful things that I’ve found or made for my students. I update them often.
“What Is Education?”
UNBC Magazine, Fall 2020.
How does jumping out of a plane answer the question: “What is Education?” Dr. Lisa Dickson, an English associate professor, explored that question in her TEDx talk at UNBC.
“Something Wicked This Way Comes: Wyrd Sisters, Collaborating In-the-Round”
Brill, Critical Collaborative Communities, July 24 2019.
This chapter both explores and models a collaboration that three literature professors from three disparate locations have evolved in an effort to write about Teaching Shakespeare. Aside from the usual technological ways academics now work across geographic divides, we have come to depend most on three strategies: writing prompts, prolonged writing retreats, and conversations in the margins of each other’s writing. All of these now seem to us organic, mirroring the material we work with and our central concerns. But these strategies emerged from looking through disciplinary lenses to reframe what research into teaching and learning might look like. The method of collaboration we have forged together – one that has transformed our scholarly lives – celebrates our separate voices and resists resolving difference, even when the constraints of our lives, discipline, or publishers insist on a smoothed unity and single confident voice. [sic]
“From Sherbrooke to Stratford and Back Again: Team teaching and experiential learning through 'Shakesperience'.”
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, March 12, 2020.
Attempting to teach theater in an English Literature course is a daunting prospect. A far cry from the highly individual experience of reading a novel or poem, theater is both a visual and communal kind of engagement. It is a challenge to capture this medium in a traditional lecture-based classroom and harder still to convey its three-dimensionality to undergraduate students. In this paper, we argue that experiential learning and team teaching are especially resonant in the exploration of Shakespearean studies because of the active and collaborative nature of his theater and plays. This paper draws out avenues for experiential learning in the humanities that should have broad applicability and interest a wide range of readers. Framing our design, implementation, and critical reflection in the relevant research, we provide an example of how to anchor experiential learning in the humanities in practice. [sic].